Monday, January 4, 2016

Nucleus 6 Upgrade

All my life I have gotten external processor upgrades, and they just keep getting better and better.  It is amazing how far Cochlear has come.  I started with the SPrint, which was a box that I wore on my back.  Then I got the Freedom, which got rid of the box.  However, it was still thick compared to what I have now.  Then I got the Nucleus 5 and I loved that it was smaller and thinner.

The pink fanny pack is where I put the box.
             SPrint          Freedom       Nucleus 5

I recently upgraded to the Nucleus 6.  As you can see from the diagram above, it is a little bit smaller.  It's not that big of a difference.

There is something that you should know about me.  I really hate getting remapped and I usually walk out of the appointment in tears.  I do not do well with change.  My audiologist calls me a "savvy listener".  She said that I can hear so well, that when she changes anything, even a slight change, my brain picks up on it.  Usually after a mapping everything sounds weird and loud for about three days but then my brain adjusts and everything sounds normal again.  

I wasn't looking forward to this upgrade because I didn't want to get remapped.  This was probably the hardest mapping I have ever been through.  The first thing my audiologist did was take my current map on my Nucleus 5 and converted to a Nucleus 6 map.  She turned it on, and immediately I was overwhelmed.  Everything was super loud and whenever someone talked they sounded weird and would crash at the end.  We thought maybe it was loud because my microphone covers were very dirty on my Nucleus 5 and I was hearing out of clear microphones.  Tip: make sure you change your microphone covers at least twice a year.  I know I will do that from now on!  To fix the crashing problem, my audiologist played around with some things and did a sweep of the c and t levels.  Eventually we were able to eliminate that problem.  

My audiologist told me about the new features that were added onto the Nucleus 6.  There is a background feature that lowers any unnecessary background noise like a fan or people chatter.  Because I am a "savvy listener" my audiologist turned off the suppress background feature because I like to hear everything!  Another feature is called SmartSound iQ.  This program automatically scans where you are and adjusts the programs.  So instead of manually switching to the noise program when you enter a noisy restaurant, it automatically does it for you.  I never liked to switch my programs; I preferred to stay on my everyday program.  So I knew I wouldn't like the SmartSound iQ, so we turned that off also.  

I went home and I still felt like something was wrong.  It sounded different from a normal mapping.  After taking a nap because my brain was exhausted from all of the change, I finally figured out what wrong.  Whenever there was a background noise it would amplify the background noise and then make everything super quiet.  For example my dad would be talking to me, and then my mom would turn on the sink and everything would get super loud and then it would change and go so quiet that I could barely hear my dad talking.  It was the strangest thing and it was driving me insane because it was happening constantly.  My dad looked some things up on the internet and we figured out that there was a feature called automatic sensitivity control (ASC) still on.  

We went back up to the audiologist to get ASC turned off the next day.  It was hard to trigger it in the quiet audiologist room, so we  went and tested it with a sink.  It was normal and I felt so relieved that we figured out the problem.  I also asked my audiologist if we could change the loudness of the beeps.  Whenever my cochlear implant turns on or changes programs it makes this beep, and mine was so loud.  It drove me crazy because the first thing I heard every morning was this loud obnoxious BEEP!  My audiologist figured out how to turn it down, and it is SO much better.  She loves all my feedback because she usually works with younger kids and they don't give any feedback. 

Later that night we went to a family Christmas party, and something was still wrong!  It was loud and I had a hard time hearing everyone.  Everything sounded blurred and it was really overwhelming.  Whenever I was somewhere loud, I had an extremely hard time.  At church when the organ was playing I couldn't hear the people singing because the organ and singing was blurring together.  Not only did loud situations sound blurred but whenever there was background noise and someone talked over that noise it would lower the background noise to where I couldn't hear it.  I noticed it a lot in the car or when there was a noise like a fan or the dishwasher.  The background noise constantly turned off and then back on when the person finished talking.  It was a very rough weekend.   

Thankfully my audiologist was able to fit us in on Monday.  I was so ready to fix everything and hear normal again.  The problem was that she had no idea what to do.  She didn't know what the problem was, so she called another audiologist and she gave her a few suggestions.  We made different programs with different changes and we went to the sound booth to test them out.  The audiologist put on some speech chatter and my mom yelled on the top of her lungs trying to trigger it.  We tested each program and we had little luck.  It is just so hard to replicate real life right there in the sound booth.   The audiologist told us to go home and test out all of the programs in real life and we set up an appointment for next Thursday.  We left feeling very unhopeful.

We had family party that night, and I tested out each program.  At first I changed it to program 2 where we changed the CSPL to 70 instead of 65.  It didn't help at all and I ended falling asleep after feeling overwhelmed.  When I woke up I changed it to program 3 where we changed the loudness growth to 18 and it was a little better! So I changed it to program 4 where we changed the loudness growth to 16 and it sounded so much better! It still sounded a little bit loud and weird, but it wasn't blurred.  However program 4 still didn't solve the problem with the background noise lowering.  We are going back up this Thursday so hopefully we can figure this out once and for all!

Okay enough negativity...  The best part of this upgrade is the wireless feature!!!  I absolutely love this feature.  You could say I am part cyborg because whenever I listen to music or talk on the phone it goes straight to my head through Bluetooth! Haha! It's so cool. We bought the phone clip and the mini microphone and I am so glad we did.  With the phone clip I can talk on the phone with no problems.  I used to only prefer to talk to my mom and dad and some friends on the phone because I was familiar with their voices.  When I used to talk to anyone else I really struggled.  With the phone clip, the sound goes right to me and I can hear it perfectly.  I can also listen to music and nobody would know because I am the only one who can hear it.  The music is so much more clearer and I can understand the lyrics.  

    Phone Clip      Mini Microphone

The mini microphone is awesome too because I can give someone the microphone and their voice will go straight to me.  I love using it in the car because I can be sitting in the back and I can understand the driver perfectly.  I will definitely use this on dates.  I will give it to the guy and I will be able to hear him in the noisy restaurant and on the car ride home in the dark.  I am seriously excited just thinking about all the places I can use it.   

I'm glad that my parents picked the company Cochlear because they keep coming out with great upgrades.  I'm excited to see what else they can come up with. 


  1. Your blog was recommended to me by Russ Lasson, my friend who knows your dad (I think that's how the connection goes). My almost 2 year old daughter has ANSD and is scheduled for a bilateral implant on the 15th. Reading your blog and your experiences has given me so much peace and excitement for the future. Thanks for sharing!

    P.S, we picked the cochlear brand and now I'm even more excited :)

  2. Hey, just read your blog and it's amazing to see other implanted people's life stories! I got implanted when I was 16 years old and it was really a big change in my life (I'm 24 now, 8 years since my implantation). I, just like you, went through this Nucleus 6 upgrade, and just like you I do not like changes and it was really hard to accomodate to them at first. But I gotta tell you (and I may sound like your audiologist), you must try to accomodate to this amazing scan mode SmartSound iQ and all these noise filtering programs, I experienced a huge hearing experience improvment. Talking with people in the car and at restaurants is way easier today, I know you will feel like everything is toned down at first but your brain will accomodate and you will be back to hearing all the small differences you like to hear.

    Hope you'll try ! And keep up the good work with the blog :)

  3. Thank you so much for posting this my son is 6 and has an N5 for one side and an N6 for the other and you comments explain a few issues we think he is having, we can go back to our Audiologist and hopefully tweak it all out.

  4. Thank you for your blog, my family has enjoyed reading it. My daughter's cochlear implate was just activated a couple months ago and we've often wondered what her life will be like in the years to come. Your posts have been great to read, and very insightful for us.

    You should share your blog and thoughts with the Cochlear corporation. I'm sure they're always interested in user feedback :)

  5. Thank you for writing this blog. I am a 10 year cochlear implantee and I too am having problems with the N6. I look forward to hearing how you are doing.
